All tagged Photograph

Absent friends

I’ve deliberately chosen not to put this week’s blog on any of the main social media channels as it deals with grief and loss so it might not be something you want to stumble across. If the idea of including a loved one in your wedding is important to you but you don’t know how, check out this weeks guide for some lovely ideas.

Our wedding

Our Wedding!

This week I’ve been reminiscing about my own wedding, 9 years ago I married a wonderful man, he’s kind, a fabulous cook, brilliant dad to our daughter and even though he winds me up constantly, I wouldn’t change him.

While I think it might be a little bit early to dispense marriage advice (come back to us in 59 years!) I’d like to think that because of my job, I do know a few things about weddings.

so nine years on, what things were really important?

8 top tips for Fabulous Florals

After a break last week to try to get caught up, it’s nice to be back with another wedding guide! After the flurry of snow at the end of February, it’s been lovely to see the first signs of spring emerging, the riot of crocuses at the school gates, the trees tipped with green shoots and some early daffodils are all beautiful reminders that the good weather is just around the corner.

This week I really wanted to focus on flowers and florals for weddings and some fabulous options that don’t break the bank

(Self) Love

It’s only a few days since Valentine’s Day but I wanted to continue with the theme of love.
I talk to lots of couples about their wedding plans, but in amongst the discussion about the number of guests and the choice of venue, a common concern comes up time and again ‘I’m not very photogenic’ or ‘I hate the way I look in pictures’ and saddest of all ‘I’m just not very good-looking’. It’s so upsetting to hear this from brides (and grooms) and I hear it far too often.


The tradition of throwing flower petals and rice paper over newly married couples has evolved a little since the ancient romans who threw rice to symbolise fertility, the custom evolved, and people showered newlyweds with corn, barley and wheat for good luck and prosperity ever since. In recent times this has evolved into glitter, dried flowers, artificial petals and even popcorn to not just wish the couple well, but also create a stunning image.

One of the reasons that confetti shots are so popular is because unlike a traditional group shot, you get some really natural, happy reactions, everyone is so busy throwing handfuls of petals, they stop posing and focus on who can throw the most!