All tagged couple

Time flies

Ask any newly married couple about their wedding day and one of the first things they’ll comment on is how quickly it went. That big day has exactly the same number of hours as any other but they seem to fly by in a moment. The advice a lot of people offer is to ‘enjoy every minute’ but for this weeks wedding guide I thought I’d try to put together a few tips to help you get the most out of your day.

Go with the vibe

Rustic chic and pared back glamour, Bridgeton inspired weddings and tropical glamour…..Apparently these are just some of the must have trends for the weddings this season! Wedding planning websites, Instagram and Pinterest are all full of advice on how to have an insta worthy wedding, but do you really need a theme, a style or a colour scheme and how on earth do you choose?


With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I wanted to devote this weeks wedding guide to dating!

Valentine’s is definitely one of those marmite events, but love it or loath it, dating is definitely a really important thing to still do while you plan your wedding.


The tradition of throwing flower petals and rice paper over newly married couples has evolved a little since the ancient romans who threw rice to symbolise fertility, the custom evolved, and people showered newlyweds with corn, barley and wheat for good luck and prosperity ever since. In recent times this has evolved into glitter, dried flowers, artificial petals and even popcorn to not just wish the couple well, but also create a stunning image.

One of the reasons that confetti shots are so popular is because unlike a traditional group shot, you get some really natural, happy reactions, everyone is so busy throwing handfuls of petals, they stop posing and focus on who can throw the most!